Awesome, omnipotent, Creator God.
We worship You as One…
who laid the earth’s foundations.
who marked off its dimensions,
who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb,
who made the clouds its garment,
who fixed limits for it, and
who said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’.
We remember when You watched Your disciples struggling in the storm on Galilee, then walked across the water, climbed into their boat when they called out to You, and commanded the wind and waves to be still. And they obeyed!
As Hurricane Florence threatens the East Coast, we are asking You to look on the residents there. We cry out to You on their behalf. We know that the wind and the waves still know Your voice. Command them to be still. Please. For the glory of Your great name.
Even now, we ask that You comfort those in the path of the storm; give wisdom to the local, state, and federal officials; encourage neighbors, friends, and families to meet this threat together. Grant them mercy. Save them. Keep Your promise, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”
You are Immanuel. God with us. Facing this storm. Now.
We cling to You.
In the name of the One whom the waves and winds still obey…JESUS.


From Anne Graham Lotz

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