a prayer for calm hearts


We rushed out of the house this morning. Just like many mornings. We packed lunches with haste, we got dressed in a furry, and we gulped down our coffee in hopes that we would gain enough energy to get through the day.

Our hearts are racing. Thinking about all that we have to do. All that we need to accomplish. All that must be done.

Father, you are great and wonderful. You keep your promises, you are powerful and gentle. We can see this in creation. In the beauty of the trees and the wonder of the sky. We can see in humanity, as we are all created in your image. Help us to slow down and see the wonder of all that you have done, O God.  For your power stretches from sky to sky. Your gentleness is seen in the intricacy of a leaf.

Ease the anxiety in our hearts as we rush, rush, rush. Calm our spirits and help us to see all that you are and all that you have done. Holy Spirit, remind us to breathe in and out, finding joy and contentment in each moment.

In Jesus' Name,


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