A Prayer for Baby Timothy

“ Some people brought infants to Jesus to have him hold them. Luke 18:15 (GW)
 And “bless them and pray for them.” Matthew 19:13 (GW)

Hello Timothy:

It was such a pleasure to meet you the other day. You are a beautiful, healthy boy and such a treasure and priceless gift from God. Your parents and your family are so enriched by your presence and the joy we all share is overflowing.

Timothy I pray for you that our loving heavenly Father will protect you on your life journey, give you wisdom and understanding in life’s decisions, and grace and peace when life’s challenges come.

Timothy, God has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life. I pray you will grow to know, love and serve Him. God is for you, loves you and will always be with you. And Jesus will be your best friend. You can always trust Him.

Well Timothy, I hardly know you, but you captured my heart and touched my soul in a unique way. You will always be in mine and Wanda’s thoughts and prayers.

With love, appreciation and gratitude for you Timothy, Pastor Don.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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