Proverbs 15:23  "A man finds joy in giving an apt reply ~ and how good is a timely word!

In God's plan there are no accidental meetings.  In each encounter God has a purpose for both the needy person and you.  You may be the one who can really help and counsel the person.

Determine to be an encouragement to everyone whom God brings across your path.  It costs little to say a kind word and to communicate a sense of support.  We never know where a kindness will lead, because only God can see the potential of the man or woman in our presence.  ~ Jerry White (1937)

Dear Lord, as I travel this journey called life, let me be ever ready to give an apt reply, a timely word, a word of encouragement and support.  You have said we will find JOY in doing just that.  We are here to be your voice, your hands, your feet.  Help me each day to see that there are no accidental meetings.   I love You.  Amen.

image~watercolor by wanda

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