moved by our request

One of the hardest parts of the prayer process is the waiting.

Those times when you are fervently pleading with God for mighty and powerful things to take place in someone’s life. Those times when a loved one needs healing and you are begging Him for a miracle. Those times when you need to see even just a glimpse of His Hand working in a particular situation.

And you wait....

And it’s hard...

But the beautiful thing about our God is we can know that He hears our cry. He hears our prayers. He listens to the desperate longings of our heart. And He responds.

Manasseh was an evil and wicked king. He heard the voice of the LORD warn him many times and yet He rejected and ignored it. After years of turmoil and continued rebellion and disobedience, Manasseh was taken captive and led away to Babylon.

“But while in deep distress, Manasseh sought the LORD his God and sincerely humbled himself before the God of his ancestors. And when he prayed, the LORD listened to him and was moved by his request...” (2 Chronicles 33:12,13)

What a glorious verse! You see, when we are sincere and humble before our God, He listens and He is “moved by our request”. 

Oh my friends, He loves us so. Don’t get weary in the waiting, but get strong! Keep pouring out in humble and authentic prayer, knowing that the Creator of all is listening and is moved by our prayers!!

“I cried out to the LORD, and He answered me from His holy mountain.” (Psalm 3:4)


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