they serve with love

I love being a missionary.

My husband and I just returned from a month in the Philippines and my heart is still so stirred and so full over our time there.

There is so much I could speak about here but today my prayer is for the pastors and the people that minister in that country. Their mission field is hard. Their mission field is not comfortable. They travel hours on foot in the hot and intense sun of the mountains just to go to their outreaches to minister to the people.

We went to several of these outreaches during our time there and the experience gives me such a grateful heart for the commitment and the love that these precious people have for our LORD and for His service.

Keep them in your prayers as they do the work of God no matter what the difficulty. No matter what the obstacles. No mater what.....

Lord, we are so thankful for the work of the people in the Philippines. They serve with pure hearts. They serve with dedication. They serve with unwavering faith and commitment to you. 

They serve simply because they are called. 

They never complain although the work is hard. 

Father, grant them strength to keep going. Energy to complete the task. Endurance to finish the race strong. Bring them comfort and peace and continue to be their Provision always.

“...Give your strength to your servant...” (Psalm 86:16)


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