never invade again!

We all go through seasons of darkness in our lives. We all have seen our loved ones go through these same deep, dark times of full-on enemy oppression.

I don't know about you, but I am sick of it. I am so tired of the enemy waging war against those I love. I am so tired of satan sticking his nose in where he absolutely does NOT belong. I am sick to death of the devil!

I came across this scripture a few weeks ago and I am claiming this loud and clear for my loved ones! I am trusting and believing that God will be completely victorious over every area of their life. I am holding tight to the beautiful Word of God and I am placing my full confidence in the One who can defeat and destroy every evil that abounds in this world.

I am seeing the fruit of those prayers. I am seeing the peace of God begin to rule once again in their life. I am seeing God do what only He can do.

Does anyone else need this? Cling to this scripture. Read it and memorize it. Shout it out loud! Pray it over your precious loved ones. Believe it to the depths of your heart. And then begin to thank God for what He is going to do and for the Victory that is sure to come!!


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