Dear Heavenly Father ~ In the quiet of the morning, I will worship Your name.  I will lift my voice with singing to praise You again.  For it fills my heart with gladness that remains through the day.  In the quiet of the morning, I will worship Your name. *

You're calling me to a deeper place.  You are calling me to come away.  This is the day You have made to walk in Your love and grace.  And I will sing to You my King, forever and ever.  

I will rise up and worship Your holiness.  I will sing a song of Your faithfulness.  On the mountains and through the valleys.  Your love will be my peace.  And I will sing of Your love for me.  I love You.  Amen. **

*In the Quiet of the Morning ~ Wes Tuttle
**I Will Rise Up ~Mike Ash
Maranatha Worship Bible


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