For Your Justice and Mercy

Lord God,

We thank You that You are a God of compassion, love and mercy whose watchful eye is always seeing our world from a perspective we don't understand. As finite beings, we can't begin to fathom or understand the tragedies and the evil that happen day after day and seem to worsen each day. As Your children, we are called to stand in the gap for those who are helpless and hurting.

We come before You today asking for mercy for the weak and the helpless. We ask that truth begin to be revealed in the situations that are existing in our country with those who are weak and hurting. Would you give our leaders wisdom and a unified spirit to deal with what is at hand and cease the endless divisions so that justice and mercy can be meted out fairly without prejudices. We know that with You nothing is impossible and so we can boldly come to You asking for intervention or doable solutions to begin to unfold.

We trust in Your justice and Your unfailing love,

It is in the name of Your Son, Jesus we pray, Amen

Psalms 82:3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.

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