“Honor your father ……..”
Exodus 20:12 (NIV)

Dear heavenly Father, Father’s Day finds my heart stirred with thoughts of my Dad, raised in the country, a child of the great depression who lived through many difficult days. And though his years were few, just 52, he loved his family and worked hard to provide for us. My memories of him are limited for I only knew him for 12 years before our home was broken through the stress of irreconcilable human relationship that often leads to despair and divorce.

Yet, he was my father, I bear his name and image. Some of his traits and disposition are mine. And though I did not know him well here, we will get far better acquainted in heaven where all things will be made new and infinitely better. So Father, I thank You for my Dad, and want to honor him with an expression of my love and respect that will find its full bloom in heaven and our anticipated joyful reunion.


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