a prayer for things to be made right

Lord God,

Maker of all things... Creator of Heaven and earth... Lord, you are God. You make all things grow, all things beautiful, and all things new.

Yet, we hurt, Lord. We are hurting as we see families torn apart. We are hurting as we see good work stunted, beautiful things broken, and the truth of Your Word being misused by many. Our hearts ache, Lord, for what we know isn't right. Sin has broken our relationship with You and our relationships with this world. Have mercy on us, forgive our sinfulness, and transform us to be more like Jesus.

Help us to bring peace to this broken world. Help us be instruments of Your love and grace. For all that is wrong will be made right, Father, and help us to to push back the affects of sin and make this world shine in the light of Your glory.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. May I repeat this prayer for Friday? I feel it can't be prayed enough and you have said it so well.


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