when our hearts are restless

Lord and King,

We come to you acknowledging how powerful you are as our Lord and King. That Your name is great among the nations and that You reign over all the earth. Yet You are also close to our hearts when we are in need, and You know every hair that is on our head.

Still, we wander, Lord Jesus. Our hearts seek to find anything that will fulfill and our hearts look to the wrong things. We look for satisfaction in our family, our jobs, money, food, and other things that make us temporarily happy. Good things that You have graciously given us. 

But our hearts are restless until they find rest in You.* Only You satisfy O Lord. Teach us to turn from all that merely makes us happy and toward what brings us ultimate joy: You.  Center our hearts on You and You alone. Keep us from being fickle, and keep us focused on You.

May our restless hearts find rest in You alone.


*Augustine of Hippo

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