
”Hushai the Arkite was the king's friend.”
1 Chronicles 27:33 (NIV)    

Father as I think of King David and how he was surrounded by a great variety of people who sustained him on the battle field and in city life. All played their strategic roll from servants to counselors. None were more important to him than Hushai. Father, to be singled out and distinguished as the friend of King David was not only a great honor but also an acknowledgement of his personal value to David.

We can be many things to people but to be their friend is truly special. And Father you gave Hushai to David as a gift to express your love and kindness to him. A friend who was both wise and honest. What a blessing and encouragement he must have been to David. And how great their relationship must have been, as Proverbs 17:17 says: ”A friend loves at all times….”

Father, how thankful I am for the gracious friends you have brought into my life. My wife, children, extended family, friends near and far, all incredibly important to me and without whom life would be a void too lonely to imagine. Thank you, Father, for all of my beloved friends, and especially for Jesus the friend of all who will embrace him.


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