a prayer for storm season


Your creation is magnificent. It reflects Your glory in ways we can only imagine, and yet it is such a tiny reflection of the true magnificence of You. 

Your creation is awe-inspiring. Every Spring the earth renews and begins again. Every Summer the crops grow. Every Fall is a harvest and every Winter is a reminder to rest. As sure as the sun rises, the world creates and re-creates itself anew.

Your creation is imposing. Trees so tall that when we stand next to them, we are reminded of how small we are. The wonders of this earth as spectacular as the Grand Canyon... the fish teaming in the Great Barrier Reef... the rushing waters of Victoria Falls... are all enough to cause us to fall silent in awe and drink in the beauty and grandness of all that you have made.

Father, thank you for entrusting us to care for this earth and we humbly ask for Your help to be mindful of this responsibility. Please help us to do the honoring work of being stewards of this great earth You've created. When your thunder and lighting come, may it serve as a reminder of Your strength. When the rain replenishes the earth, may it remind us that You are the true Living Water. Guide and protect us from the many storms that will come this season. Help us to know in our heart that You are good and Your love for us is even greater.

In Christ's Name,


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