A Prayer for Healing

James 5:14-15 (NLT)
     14Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. 15Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well…...”

Father there are many aspects of your will that have been revealed to us in the Scriptures. But there are times when I am uncertain of your will. I know what you can do, for you have said: “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” Genesis 18:14 (NLT), but I do not always know what you will do.

So with limited knowledge, not faith, I pray for you will, in your sovereign knowledge and miraculous power, to heal a friend now lying in critical condition. His life may be in the balance, but it is secure and safe in your hands.

Father I trust your wisdom, love and mercy to intervene for him in this great hour of his need and to give peace to his family and friends as we wait for your answer. You are “…the God of all grace” 1 Peter 5:10 (NIV) and I trust You.

And, Father, not just for my friend alone, there are many others in need of healing prayer. So for them also may your healing love and power be extended according to your gracious will and perfect love.

We ask this in Jesus Name. Amen.

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