Image result for first lady barbara bush

 We watched Barbara Bush's funeral Saturday, and was so pleased that the gospel was given in many different ways through Scripture, reading from grandchildren and others.  Mrs. Bush's final words to her son when he ask moments before she passed if she was ready to go, answered that she was trusting in Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord and was ready to go.

Dear Lord, thank you for the testimony of a woman who shared that her faith was in Jesus Christ alone, and that she knew Him as her personal Savior and Lord.  I pray today for all those in attendance at the funeral, and all those watching by TV that the truth of You Word will reach into the hearts of those listeners.  Father help us to live a life that honors you, and even in death give witness to your saving love and power.   Father we pray for Pres. George W. Bush as he will miss his lovely Barbara so much.  Give him grace in these difficult days.  May your Word always go forth and accomplish what You want.   We love You.  Amen.


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