for divine guidance, more courage and more faith

Eternal and everlasting God, who art the Father of all mankind,
as we turn aside from the hurly-burly of everyday living, may our hearts and souls, yea our very spirits, be lifted upward to Thee, for it is from Thee that all blessing cometh.
Keep us ever mindful of our dependence upon Thee,
for without Thee our efforts are but naught.
We pray for Thy divine guidance as we travel the highways of life.

We pray for more courage.

We pray for more faith and above all we pray for more love.

May we somehow come to understand the true meaning of Thy love
as revealed to us in the life, death and resurrection of Thy son and our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
May the Cross ever remind us of Thy great love, for greater love no man hath given.

This is our supreme example, O God.

May we be constrained to follow in the name and spirit of Jesus, we pray.

... a prayer of Corretta Scott King

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