Maundy Thursday Prayer

Blessed are you, Lord God.

The basin and the towel are signs to us of your Son’s servanthood.

You have made us partakers of Christ and of one another.

As we go forth, give us grace

    to count others more important than ourselves,
    to love our enemies,
    to make peace.

Send the Spirit of truth to keep alive in us
what Jesus taught and did,

    that our words may carry his good news, and
    that our lives may bear the shape of the cross

of the One who lives and reigns with You
and with the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.

— from A Footwashing Liturgy by Reggie M. Kidd

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Such lovely prayers and thoughts this Holy Week, Bob. Thanks for your faithfulness to the Prayer Blog.


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