Jeremiah 31:3  "The Lord has appeared to us in the past, saying "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness."

"If He could grow weary of me, He would have been tired of me long before now.  If He had not loved me with a love as deep as hell, and as strong as death, He would have turned from me long ago.  Oh joy above all joys, to know that I am His everlasting inheritance, given to Him by His Father e'er the earth was!  Everlasting love shall be the pillow for my head this night."
                                                 ~~Charles Hadden Spurgeon (1834-1892)

 Dear Lord, as I read and ponder the words of Charles Spurgeon, my mind cannot truly wrap around the everlasting love you have for me.  Truly this is our comfort and our security. No matter how we fail at times, your everlasting love and loving kindness is the rock we hold too, and the pillow we rest our heads on.  Thank you that you love does not change as we do, but is the same yesterday, today and forever.  I love You.   Amen


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