Prayers for Parkland

Jesus, today we pause to lift up everyone affected by the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Students, teachers, faculty, parents, family members, friends, loved ones. Be near to them in this moment. Hold their trembling hands and wrap them within the comfort of Your safe and loving arms.


The ones we lost yesterday were loved, treasured, cared for, and now grieved over. These losses are devastating. So many need the supernatural peace and reassurance right now that only You bring, Lord.


So we turn to You, because Your Word promises when we draw near to You, You draw near to us. In the coming days, Lord, show us how to process this heartbreaking news, how to pray specifically for those who lost their children and loved ones, and how to help dispel the evil that is in this world.


Yes, evil is real. Evil is horrible. 


But with You, evil does not win.


Jesus, help us be comforted by Your promise and this truth. 


Lisa Terkeurst

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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