Pray for our Nation

Dear Father God,
My heart is heavy with concern for our leaders and our nation. There is much chaos, confusion and deception among us. We, the people of this country, are daily fed with information that is disheartening and news that cause men's hearts to fail. Help us, strengthen us to trust You more each day knowing that You are sovereign and nothing can thwart Your plan. You our God are in the midst of us and we must not worry or be anxious or fearful, but we are to make our requests to You with thanksgiving. 

We thank You for the many, many blessings of grace You have poured out on us and we intercede on behalf of our nation, asking forgiveness for our sin and rebellion, and ask that You would have mercy on us. Would you guide our leaders with Your strength and wisdom and give strength and protection for each new day. We ask You to pour out Your Spirit over this land and bring people to You. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen

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