a prayer for when we are wrong

Father God,

You are good and faithful, our God who knows the answers to all our questions and understands all we are going through. You are our strength and power, and our great Creator.  You are as close as our family, yet infinitely wiser than we could ever know. Sometimes this makes us feel small. 

And we feel that even more when we are wrong.

We confess to you how hard it is for us to be wrong. To be wrong and to admit when we are wrong. When we cannot admit we are wrong, this is pride at its worst. Help us to be humble. Help us to see our own limitations, our own mistakes, and how our pride in all situations can affect others.

You are Jehovah-M’Kaddesh, the God who sanctifies. Sanctify us in our pride, Lord! Use this for our growth so that we may continue to walk with a spirit of humility in order to show the world Jesus.

In Your Son's Name We Pray,


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. We were talking about sanctification at Bible study. It is a process! Sanctification isn't quick and easy.

    “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
    Nor faint when you are reproved by Him;
    For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines Hebrews 12:5

  2. we pray he listens as we are surrounded by him and we have him within us all he needs a call for him!


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