a prayer for when feeling lost

Gracious God,

We praise you that you do not change, that you are righteous, holy, and worthy of worship. We lift your name high, because you are the only true God! One who makes us feel sure when all else around us feels unsure.

There are so many times we feel lost, Father. We feel lost in the brokenness of the world, in the midst of our sin, or when people sin against us. We can feel lost and run right the things that overwhelm us rather than to you. We can feel stuck in all that is unsure. Help us to find the certainty in who you are, Lord. The surety of your plan for our lives, the certainty of your love. We know we cannot change the world to be a certain place, but help us to know that we can be sure of the One who never changes: you.

Guide us and lead us, O God, into your great love.

"...even there your hand shall lead me, 
and your right hand shall hold me." (Psalm 139:10)


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