a caregiver's prayer

Lord, show me enough strength within me because I am very tired,

Show me patience to care for the one I love,

Show me peace of mind as I struggle through each day and night,

Show me the joy in the little things my loved one does to help me out,

Show me love when anger wants to take over my thoughts,

Show me hope when I can see no hope,

And Lord, show me kindness for those who care about me.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen. And thank you for the website link.

  2. That is a very good caregiver prayer. On the anniversary of my terminally ill son's death, I remember how exhausting it was, and I pray for all the caregivers.

    1. I can relate Karen. I remember how emotionally drained and physically exhausted I often felt caring for my wife for 4 years before she passed away. Thanks for your comment.

    2. And I have recently become part of the caregiving community the past couple of years and you are right. It can be exhausting.

    3. Glad that you are giving care Nonnie. It is a blessing to give in this way.

      My wife has been in a wheelchair for 10 years now. I think that I am a better caregiver now than I was 20+ years ago. I do not have the resilience that I had then but I am a bit more patient than I was in my younger years. And I am careful not to take on the role of caretaker. My role is to support my wife and not to do things for her that she can do herself.


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