Recently we were listening to Steve Lawson giving a message on Psalm 135.  In praying so many times our burdens are so heavy, our hearts so torn and our bodies worn out, that we just cry out for mercy and deliverance.  Those are good and needful reasons to pray, and we are encouraged to in God Word.   But, how often do I just STOP and praise Him like the little boy above?

Dear Lord I would ask that you give me a heart of praise.  No matter what the difficulties of my life or the circumstances I find myself in, I need to STOP and praise You.  Praise your Holy Name, which is so lovely.  I need to praise You for Your Goodness that never fails,  Lord you do what ever pleases You in heaven, on the earth and in the seas and all their depths.  You make the clouds rise from the ends of the earth,  You send lightening with the rain and bring the wind out of Your storehouses.  You are a great God.

Oh Father, there is no one like You.  And to think a God in command of the universe, thinks about me.  Loves me.  That love brought You to earth with a plan to restore a fallen world and a sinner like me.  Thank you.  May I always remember to Praise, Praise, Praise, and then make all my request and needs to You at the foot of the throne.  I love You Father.  Amen. 

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