"No eye has seen
No ear has heard
No mind has imagined
What God has prepared 
For those who love him"  ~~~
But God has revealed it to us
By his Spirit.  I Corinthians 2:9-10

O magnificent  Holy Spirit, God's heart in flight.  You are Grace and Truth racing through a soul's dark house, plugging in the lights, turning on the heat, opening doors long locked.  And when those doors are thrown open the stale, unlit spaces freshly fill with Your sweet breath and radiant light.  Only You can answer faith's faintest whisper with such swift understanding!  You alone bring wisdom, the Spirit's housewarming gift.  How we love You.  Amen.

This is the scripture I taught Wednesday night to the children at Kid's Time.  The Holy Spirit spoke to my own heart in preparation for the lesson.

The prayer which fits so well with the scripture is from my Maranatha Worship Bible.  I trust it will speak to you as deeply as it did me.  Thank you Father for giving us the Holy Spirit to bring light and understanding to your Word.



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