The Lord's Strength

Most gracious and loving Father,

We come before you this morning with praise in our hearts for who you are. For your power, your compassion, your glory, and your strength. Your strength covers our weakness, O Lord, This strength encourages us, inspires us, and makes us fully dependent on you.

Yet Father we still struggle in our sin. We confess to you that our hearts are divided. We make idols out of things and worship what we should not. Our hearts have been hardened by our sin, and from our hearts comes an out powering of sinful ways. We claim your strength over our sin, Father. We claim our weakness in the face of your strength. And we are grateful we can look to you for guidance as we stray, and thankful you see only your Son when you look at us.

From the Valley of Vision Prayers:

Help us to be 
watchful over our ways,
jealous over our tempers,
diligent over our hearts.
When we droop,
revive us, 
When we loiter, 
quicken us, 
When we go astray,
 restore us. 
Possess us with more of that faith 
which is the principle of all vital godliness.


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