It's Your Choice

Mark 8:34 "If people want to follow me, they must give up things they want.  They must be willing even to give up their lives to follow me."

On one side stands the crowd,
Jeering, Bating, Demanding.
On the other stands a peasant,
Swollen lips, Lumpy eye, Lofty promise.
One promises acceptance, the other a cross.
One offers flesh and flash, the other offers faith.
The crowd challenges, "Follow us and fit in,"
Jesus promises, "Follow me and stand out."
They promise to please, God promises to save.
God looks at you and ask, "Which will be your choice?"

Grace for the Moment ~ Max Lucado  (Nov. 18)

Dear Lord sometimes this seems like a hard choice.....but the closer I follow You, and the more I camp in Your WORD, the more I surrender my life completely to You, I want no other choice.  You own me, you paid the ultimate price for my salvation...what less can I do... I will follow You.  I love You, Amen.


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