Prayers for Hurricane Survivors

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You today and each day for those who are suffering as a result of the recent disasters. The losses are great, the sufferings impossible to imagine. To be without fresh water, to be without the simplest things that we take for granted each day. We who have not been affected by these horrific disasters are called upon to give and pray for the survivors. To pray that each day they will have assistance, that each day they will find hope and that You are providing them what they need to keep going and not give up.

We pray that You are breaking whatever obstacles are standing in the way of help getting to them. We pray that they will see that they are not forgotten and we care. We pray that financial aid is reaching them, that laborers are sent to help, that they are protected from those who would take advantage of their circumstances. Would You, Father, help them to look to You for their help? And would You Father, put people in their paths who can help them physically and spiritually as they cope with the losses they have faced in these past few weeks. Loss of family, loss of homes, possessions, jobs and loss of income. We pray for healing of those who are affected adversely health wise. For those who are feeble, the widow, the orphan, all those who mourn. Would you give courage to those who trust in You. And finally, would You keep these people in our prayers before You and help us not forget as we get involved in our daily routines?

And Father, would You keep us in remembrance to be thankful for every blessing that we enjoy each day? We ask these things in the name of Jesus.


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