Dear Lord ~ There are floods and fires across the United States.  People are in distress.  You know every name, you see every tear, you hear the cries for help.  You answer in so many ways.  Part of your plan is to use people.  Every status, color and race are coming together to help those in need.  Oh Lord, if only we could do that in times of blessing.  I pray for every one helping, and those who have lost every earthly possession.  Give comfort, peace and help to all of those in need.

Thanks you that today has been called out for a Weekend of Prayer....Lord I pray all your people will call on You this weekend and in the days to come.

Heal our hearts and our land.
I love You.  Amen.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes periods of distress are followed by revival and renewal. I pray that all the victims are comforted by the power and presence of Jesus.


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