Prayer for Houston and Surrounding Areas

Dear Father,
As I reflect on the One whom I am asked to trust, my soul finds rest. You are our Great High Priest who understands. You are well acquainted with grief. Suffering. You understand by personal experience what it feels like to leave Home and be stripped of everything. You, too, were homeless with nowhere to lay Your head.

So please. Look on all those in the Gulf region who are now homeless, too. Stripped of everything. Please. Draw near to them. As they become more focused on the reality of their stark situation, I ask You to balance their feelings of devastation and loss with the comfort of Your presence. Your peace. Your love.

Thank You for every single one of the first responders … the professionals as well as friends and neighbors who are risking their own safety to help others. Give them supernatural strength. Energy. Stamina. And deep satisfaction as they receive the rich, priceless blessing of knowing their efforts are life-saving and life-changing.

O God. You have been our help in ages past. You are our hope for years to come. And You alone are our shelter from this stormy blast. Our refuge and our strength. You are our Good Shepherd who will lead us safely through this Valley of the Shadow that has fallen over a weary land.

So … wipe the tears from our eyes. Turn our faces to Yours. Cause us to choose to look up. To look to You. With trust.

In the name of the One who has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we may say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid … Amen

*adapted from

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