Stressed Out Prayer

Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. [Psalm 55:22]

So often this verse, and the New Testament version of it in 1Peter 5:7, is used in an almost cliché-like manner. I sometimes nod my head in a religious-like manner when I read it and totally miss that it is an invitation to prayer.

With that in mind I invite you to pray with me.

I am so burdened Lord. I feel shaken to my core. Little things seem to throw me into stress. The traumas of my life have worn on me. It is difficult for me to trust you in these difficult times even though I know that I should. My life seems so full of small crises and so out of control. Even so, I invite you into my stress Lord. Help me Lord to:
  • know how to let go and cast my burdens on you;
  • remember past times of peace and comfort;
  • know that you are ruling over my trials;
  • put difficult circumstances in perspective;
  • respond in trust and faith instead of in fear.
There is no one like you Lord. I release control and commit myself to your grace again.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Love ya, Bob! Hang in there, bro!

  2. wow - this really spoke to my heart today and i needed it!!! but God is working and is so good. He is faithful!

  3. Don't we all feel this way from time to time. Thanks for sharing not only the prayer, but the how to...


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