for those who are grieving

Last Wednesday we lost Mike Erich our dear friend and prayer blogger. We rejoice that he is at home with the Lord as we grieve this loss. Please join me in praying this prayer for his wife, his family and his friends. And for all who are grieving today.

You are our shepherd Lord. You meet all of our needs.

We lift those grieving to you today.

We thank you for meeting all of their needs.

We pray that you would comfort them and hold them close to your heart.

We praise you that their need for rest is met in you Lord.

Please lead those in pain in ways that would restore their soul and help them grieve.

We are confident of your presence with those who are grieving.

May your love be felt by those who travel through this dark valley of sorrow.

And this we ask for our friends - that goodness and mercy will follow them all the days of their lives and that they will live in your house forever.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. So thankful for a God who comforts through His Holy Spirit. My heart has hurt for a man who touched me only through the written word of this blog. But the hurt has run deep and only has been surpassed by the beautiful knowledge that He knew Truth. He knew His Savior. And today, Mike is worshipping at the feet of Jesus....... glory.....

    See you soon Mike! You ran your race well...

  2. A lovely prayer for this family and all who are grieving. Thank you.


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