
Sometimes things would be easier if I were not given a choice.  I have been told that there are only three types of chemo-therapy that work for my type of cancer, and they have all proved inadequately effective in dealing with it. This leaves me with two choices. I can go off treatment and let nature take its course and trust God to accomplish what He wants to in my life. Or I can try to get on a clinical test in the hopes that it might help. It does not help in all of this that it looks like my wife's cancer may have come back. It would be easier to trust God with one option or the other than to have to choose. But I must choose.


I pray for all those who face difficult decisions, including me. I pray that You will give us wisdom to know which decision to make. I pray that we may approach the issue with calmness and trust in You. I pray that we may not be stampeded one way or the other out of fear. And I pray that whatever decision we make, You will overrule and work things for our best.

In Jesus' Name, 

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