"I am content, O Father, to leave my life in Thy hands, believing that the very hairs on my head are numbered by Thee.  I am content to give over my will to Thy control, believing that I can find in Thee a righteousness that I could never have won for myself.  I am content to leave all my dear ones to Thy care, believing that Thy love for them is greater than my own.  I am content to leave in Thy hands the causes of truth and of justice, and the coming of Thy Kingdom in the hearts of men, believing that my ardour for them is but a feeble shadow of Thy purpose.  To Three, O God, be glory forever.  Amen."

This old style of speaking is so different to the way we communicate today, but I've been blessed for too many years to remember by this small but powerful Prayer Book ~ A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie.  It's been my daily prayer journal, and I'm now on my 4th book (Amazon used books) and since they have a blank page on each day, they are filled with my heartfelt prayers and hopefully the legacy to leave to my family.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. I find contentment to be a great thing these days. Thank you for sharing this prayer.


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