M anifest your love thoughtfully
     I John 3:18
O  bey her counsel faithfully.
     Prov. 1:8-9
T hank God for her daily.
     I Thess. 5:18
H onor her life and labors contantly
     Prov. 31:28-30
                                   E vidence her imprint authentically
                                          2 Tim. 1:5
                                   R ecognize her needs sensitively
                                          Col. 3:12-15
                                   S peak well of her perpetually
                                          Prov. 30:11

                                    D esist from sinful activity
                                          Prov. 3:7-8
                                    A void all bad company
                                          I Cor. 15:33
                                    Y ield to Christ's authority
                                           3 John 4

Dear Lord, you word tells us how to honor our Mothers.  If children are taught the whole counsel of God's Word, and obey it, what a lovely tribute to mother's that would be.

Lord today, bless all the mothers who nurture and love their children.  Bless those mothers who do not have lost children.  Bless mother's that live and teach your world by example.

Thank you for giving me that kind of mother.  Miss her everyday, but know she's in your presence and enjoying heaven.

I love you....Amen


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