Prayers for Comfort and Protection

Comforter and Advocate, we mourn the many injustices that we see in the world today. We know these grieve your heart, and we wonder how long it will be before your justice and your reign is established on earth.

Give us grace to persevere, patience to trust, and courage to keep working with you to see your kingdom come.

We lift up our migrant brothers and sisters, Lord, asking that you would protect them and watch over them, wherever they may be.

We pray that they may be welcomed into loving communities, and find homes and families in the places where you have led them. Where we are able, may we also extend a welcome, just as you extended your welcome to us.

We pray for those who are homeless and hungry this season.

We pray that we would have eyes to see and ears to hear where our neighbors are are in need; and that we would be bold and generous in meeting those needs

God, may we be bearers and sharers of your joy in the world, today and this season.

In Jesus name, amen.
... from the Sojourner's blog

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