Father, there are those moments in life when we cry out to You…… “EMERGENCY”.  In those horrible moments when fear grips our frail hearts, tears blind our eyes and shock numbs our minds. It is that dreaded moment when the outcome is uncertain and waiting for an answer seems to linger in one eternal breath.

Father it is in this moment we cry out “EMERGENCY”.  And with the Psalmist we implore: “Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! 2 Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.” Psalm 55:1-2 (NLT)

Being an ever faithful Father you hear, answer and provide the grace, courage and strength to sustain us in and through the crisis. Our emergency never takes You by surprise, our weakness never inhibits Your power and our uncertainty never diminishes Your faithfulness.

Thank You Father that our times are in Your hands and that You are more than adequate for and in every emergency. In the name of Jesus who is our comfort.


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