I John 4:19-21 "We love because he first loved us.  If anyone says, "I love God" yet hates his brother, he is a liar.  For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.  And he has given us this command:  Whoever loves God, must also love his brother."

Lord, so many times it's so easy to love You.  You are holy.  You are loving.  You are just.  But loving others can be hard, especially when they are unloving or unkind.  But your command is straight forward...If we say we love YOU, then it has to be demonstrated to those around us.  Only YOU working through us can accomplish that task.  I pray today, that you will so fill my life, that the overflow will touch anyone who comes in my path.  I love you Father, and want to be Your faithful servant.  Amen.

Once you say the yes of faith to Jesus
and accept his blueprint for the fullness of life,
the whole world can no longer revolve around you,
your needs, your gratifications:  
you will have to revolve around the world,
seeking to bandage its wounds,
loving dead men into life,
finding the lost,
wanting the unwanted,
and leaving far behind all the selfish,
parasitical concerns which drain
our time and energies.
~~John Powell (1927-)


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