In awe ...

I'm never as in awe of the power of prayer as I am when we are in Nicaragua. There is such a precious sweetness present when the women I am privileged to teach and minister to get on their faces before God. They truly feel His Presence. They truly cry out in humility, expecting to hear from their LORD. 

Prayer is such a powerful gift of God. He extends to us the amazing honor to be able to commune with Him always. We need to be mindful to never take it for granted. To never forsake the privilege that it holds. To never neglect the intimacy of relationship with our Savior.

Prayer is our lifeline to Christ. 
Father, thank you for the overwhelming goodness you bestow upon us when we commune with you in prayer. Help us to seek your face. Help us to acknowledge  your sovereignty. Draw us close to your side and remind us always to make prayer a priority in our lives.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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