O Heavenly Father, give me a heart like the heart of Jesus Christ, a heart more ready to minister than to be ministered unto, a heart moved by compassion towards the weak and the oppressed, a heart set upon the coming of Thy Kingdom in the world of men.

I would pray today, O God, for all those sorts and conditions of men to whom Jesus Christ was wont to give special thought and care;

For those lacking food or drink or raiment;
For the sick and all who are wasted by disease;
For the blind;
For the maimed and lame;
For prisoners;
For those oppressed by any injustice;
For the lost sheep of our human society;
For the worried and anxious;
For all those who are living faithful lives in obscurity;
For those who are fighting bravely in unpopular causes

In mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen

*Taken from "A Diary of Private Prayer" by John Baillie (1949)


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