Prayer for 2017

Father, make us more aware of your amazing love and grace to us. Help us live in the reality of being your beloved sons and daughters. Let us indeed love you with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength. Help us to love others, especially our brothers and sisters, as Jesus loved us, laying down our lives. We know that we will offend, so make us people who are quick to repent, quicker to forgive, and eager to reconcile.

Fill us with your Spirit and let others see Jesus in us. May we be people who bring grace and peace. Let us bring your Kingdom to bear and show the world a better way. Help us to be confident without arrogance, meek without weakness, and loving without enabling.

As we step into the unknown, may we do so knowing deep in our souls that our Abba has us in his hands and that he is working it all out for his glory and our good. Amen

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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