THANK YOU, Father for the voice of wisdom.  It calls to us, it seeks us out and does not remain hidden.  Its voice can be heard by anyone who will listen.  Please give me ears to hear and a heart to understand, so that I may live by Your truth, walk in Your light, and grow in Your grace and knowledge.  I love You.  Amen.

You are the living Truth;
All wisdom dwells in You,
The source of every skill,
The One Eternal True!
O great I AM, in You we rest
Sure answer to our every quest.

You only are true Life;
To know you is to live
The more abundant life
That earth can never give.
O Risen Lord, we live in You;
In us each day Your Life renewed.

We come O Christ, to You ~Margaret Clarkson (1957-1985)


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