When the Door Closes

Last Thursday I went in for surgery for my pancreatic cancer. I believed and prayed right up to last minute that surgery might be possible and that this could be God's way of healing me. But I found out that the cancer had spread and it would do no good to operate. What that leaves me with is either God is going to do a miracle (I believe in miracles, but I believe God does them according to His will. I have no reason to be convinced He will do so in my case), or it is my time to go home. I appreciate all past prayers and  all continued prayers, and I am trusting God for His will in this situation.


I thank You that You are good and that we can trust You even when things do not turn out the way we would like them to. Help us trust You even when things go bad and You do not do what we want You to do. Help us understand that You know and understand far more than what we understand. And help us remember Your love in sending Your Son to die for us.

In Jesus' Name,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Mike, Don and I are very sorry to hear this news. But as you have demonstrated in your life and prayer blog, your faith in God's will has guided your life. We also believe in miracles, and pray that God will give you one, in his will. We will continue to hold you in our hearts and prayers. Don and Wanda..blog partners.

  2. So thankful we know the One who Authors life. He is Healer and He is King of kings. Trusting and believing in His divine will. Asking for peace and comfort. Mercy and grace. Lifting you up fervently!


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