To be Strong in Sickness

Last Friday I fell and fractured my pelvis is two places. Almost a week later I am still in pain but not as much as I was back then. I am thankful for the ways that God has used people to help me in all aspects of my recovery. From the Good Samaritan who helped me up when I fell to those who ministered to me in the hospital, God has been with me in every step of this recovery. I have weeks of recovery left but I am so thankful for the progress so far. Please pray this prayer with me that I may be strong as I recover.

teach me the art of patience whilst I am well,
and give me the use of it when I am sick.
In that day,
either lighten my burden
or strengthen my back.
Make me
(who so often in my health
have discovered my weakness,
presuming on my own strength)
be strong in my sickness
when I solely rely on your assistance.
... a prayer of Thomas Fuller

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Oh Bob I am so sorry! I am grateful for the one the Lord put in your path to help. Praying for continued restoration and healing!!

    1. Thanks Beth. I have sensed the prayers of friends like you as I recover.

  2. That is such a powerful prayer. I will pray it for you and for myself in situations that life has plopped in my path.
    I didn't realize the extent of your injuries.
    Wish I was close enough to help out while you recover.
    When you do mend remember the Batz' Bed and Breakfast is still Open! (:0)


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