Image result for sanctify the lord

Dear Lord, I want to sanctify you with my daily life.  I know this is not easy in our upside down world, but help me

Separate myself from the world and its pleasures 
Avoid not only the occasion of sin, but even the appearance of evil.
Nurture my spiritual life through the daily disciplines of the Word and prayer.
Cultivate a vital and vibrant relationship with the Lord within my family and church.
Test the spirits to avoid the pitfalls of error.
Identify with those who love and walk with the Lord
Fortify my heart and home against attacks from within or without.
Yearn for a deeper and more authentic walk with the Lord.

Lord this is my prayer.  I love You.  Amen

This was a series of sermons our Pastor gave, and at the end gave us a bookmark with the above to help us remember how to live a sanctified life that would please Him.


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