Praying when we feel Alone and Forsaken

My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? ... O my God, I cry in the daytime, but You do not answer; and at night, but I have no rest. [Psalm 22:1-2 MEV]

I think that this prayer is filled with theological misunderstanding. Yet I love this prayer because it is so real. So raw. Who cannot relate to praying such a prayer? Who has not felt forsaken in times of trouble. Jesus echoed this sentiment from the cross. Feeling forsaken is a part of being human.

This kind of transparent prayer is why I love David so much. He was certainly an ordinary man with human frailties. Yet his transparency was so extraordinary. In this psalm he gives us a healthy model of prayer as he lays out his frustrations before the Lord. And God meets him right where he is.

Dear Lord,

Help us to not to bury our disappointments, frustrations and feelings of being forsaken.

Teach us to be honest with you and with ourselves about our feelings of forsakenness.

And help us to know that you are ever with us. Even when we feel alone and forsaken.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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