The Middle Ground

Sometimes we can see answers to prayer as falling into two categories. We can look for a blatant miracle, an instantaneous answer (I have seen some of those). Or we can expect them to happen in the normal course of events: nothing necessarily unusual, but things would just happen the way we prayed. But there is a sort of of middle ground between the obviously miraculous and the simply normal. I am dealing with pancreatic cancer, and at one point the doctors were fairly certain that the cancer had metastasized and gone to my liver and become inoperable. But two negative biopsies have called that into question. I am not out of the woods yet; I still face surgery and the possibility of the cancer recurring. I have not experienced a clear miracle, but it does seem a striking answer to prayer.


Help us to accept Your answers in the way You want to give them. Help us also to trust You, no matter how You answer our prayers, even if You do not grant them. But help us to always accept Your will Your way. And thank You that You do answer; help us to wait for You and trust You for Your answer in Your time.

In Jesus' Name,

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