I Kings 10:28-32 Scripture Reading

 My Prayer:

Search my soul, O Lord.  Cleanse me from the hypocrisy of condemning other people's sins and idolatry's while failing to fully keep my own heart pure.  Release my hands from worthless idols that cause me to forfeit the fullness of Your grace.  I offer you every thought, every ambition, every lust, every self-indulgence that conflicts with Your holiness in my life.  I bow down gladly in Your awesome presence and invite You alone to fill every chamber of my being.  I love You.  Amen.

Purify my heart.
Touch me with Your cleansing Fire.
Take me to the cross,
You holiness in my desire.

Breathe Your life in me,
Kindle a love that
Flows from Your throne
Oh, purify my heart,
Purify my heart.

Jeff Nelson (1992)

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