Prayer for a Toxic Boss

Give the boss your justice, O God.
May she judge her team with righteousness,
And those with a steep learning curve with hope.
Let the mountains bear prosperity as she credits workers for their work.
May he listen to the wisdom of the poor and experienced on his team
and defend their cause.
May righteousness and honesty flourish under him,
So the team has success and all they touch may progress.
Turn his ignorant bloviating
To intelligent questions.
Set her mind on reaching out with wisdom and skill to others
Rather than hunkering in protective maneuvers.
Free his tongue to utter truth
Rather than reacting with clichés that obscure ignorance.
Separate her ego from the work
So she can direct her team and fix her talents on our larger goals
In her days may the righteous flourish and peace abound, till the moon be no more!


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